Thursday, May 9, 2013

International Soul Art Day!

Today is International Soul Art Day, a day-long live event hosted by Laura Hollick, for the purpose of "carving out time and space to express your creativity and make a connection with your spirit.  You can join in here.  My intention for the project is to clarify the gifts I have to offer the world, but hey, any opportunity to cut, paste and play with paper, I'm IN!  Check back throughout the day and see my progress.   Why don't you join in too?

I've collaged a large piece of water color paper with colorful pages torn from magazines.  I've chosen both solid colors and those with subtle prints for texture.  I'm finding that my color choices are bright and vivid, because I'm feeling particularly happy and in the flow!

Next, I've defined the tracing I did of my outstretched arms this morning with a black sharpie. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to collage, paint or doodle my arms.  I still have more background to fill and will add washi tape (because honestly, doesn't everything look better with washi tape?) when I'm done.

I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't wrap this project up today.  It's taken me longer than I expected to get as far as I've gotten, but I have to say, it's been one heck of an enjoyable way to spend the day.  I can see the value of this exercise and think it would be great for teachers, therapists, or anyone in a helping profession to do with their students or clients.

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